This research is of ; objectives namely :- 1) to study the state of using the media of the students’ Leading and the teachers’ teaching at Makkasan Bidya School in Rachatewi District, Bangkok 2) to study the suggestions and the way of using the media of the students’ Leading and the teachers’ teaching at Makkasan Bidya School in Rachatewi District, Bangkok. The exemplary groups used in this research are the teachers and the students of the numbers of 191. The Research tools used are the questionnaires , the parentage, the standard deviation.
The results were as follows :-.
1. the states of using the media of Teaching and learning. Teachers and students at Makkasan Bidya School in Rachatewi District, Bangkok in general, at the high levels. When it is considered separately, it is fund that they are at the high levels from high levels and low levels. That is to say is at the highest level. Lover than that it is the side of using the personal media ,the side of the publication the medium the side of the technology.
2. From the supposal and the way of using the media of teaching and learning. Teachers and students at Makkasan Bidya School in Rachatewi District, Bangkok, it is found that the usage of the media of publication should be of many books as the media of teaching every subject. Late on the text book should Brought to teach the student for their Knowledge. Moe roves, the teachers should bring pictures to be used in teaching to enable the students to understand more wearily. On the side of technology, the teachers and the students have the up to data media, such as the computers, VCD,DVD etc. Regarding the usage of person media, there must be the leading and the teacher examples. The exemplary in the lives such as the spout players, the physicians, the nurses, the police, the military men, the business men including the important persons of the nation etc. Regarding the usage of the media in the activities, the students should test it and find out the knowledge of the activities by themselves. On the side of using the natural media, the administrations and the teachers should boring the existing natural to teach the student to eaves than to see the value of the natural media. On the side of the usage of the materials, the teacher and student should find out the things easily found to use in learning and teaching. side of the usage of media Material and Equipment , they should produce the materials by the unsolved