This thesis is of three objectives, namely; 1. to study a roles played by the Buddhist monks in social development 2. to study the roles played by Phrathepsakornmuni (Kaew Suvannajoto) 3. to study the application of the idea in social development by Phrathepsakornmuni (Kaew Suvannajoto)
From the application of this view point to the deviling of the societies by Ven Phrathepsakornmuni (Kaew Suvannajoto), it is found that the Venerable brought the Doctrinal principle to improve usefully and properly in the practice of the Doctrines.
In the matter of the administration, the Venerable improved and applied the Doctrinal principles of 7 suppurisadhammas to the administration properly.
Regarding the religious education, the Venerable laid down the foundation of lives by applying the principles of the three learning (Tisikkha) to lead their lives rightly.
In the matter of the propagation of the Doctrinal principles, the Venerable applied the view points from the theories to the people successfully.
In the matter the general public unities, the Venerable developed the existing natural resources to be properly beneficial to the people in general.
In the matter of the social help, the venerable used the 4 principle of social help (sangahavatthus) to help the societies to really and continually receive the bents and the happiness. |