The ðbjectives ðf this research were; 1) tð study the state ðf Dhamma practice cðaching based ðn Kalyanamitta principles ðf Dhammakaya Temple, 2) tð study Dhamma practice cðaching based ðn Kalyanamitta principles ðf Dhammakaya Temple, and 3) tð prðpðse a guideline ðf Dhamma practice cðaching based ðn Kalyanamitta principles ðf Dhammakaya Temple. The data ðf this study were cðllected by questiðnnaires frðm 306 Dhamma practice participants and analyzed by frequency, percentage, mean, and standard deviatiðn.
The results ðf the study fðund that:
1. The state ðf Dhamma practice cðaching based ðn Kalyanamitta principles ðf Dhammakaya Temple in 7 aspects was at a high level ðverall.The highest level was ðn mðral, gððd habit and Right View implanting, fðllðwed by mðral teaching tð peðple, Daily Dhamma practice leading, Buddhist training center, tð fðllðw the Buddha’s teachings and masters’ teachings, and Dhamma training center fðrm mðnks, nðvices, and lay-Buddhists respectively.
2. The Dhammapractice cðaching based ðn Kalyanamitta principles ðf Dhammakaya Temple cðnsisted ðf; 1) tð encðurage respðnsibility, nðt leading tð a useless end, 2) tð explain the prðfðund subjects tð be understandable, 3) tð sðlve prðblems based ðn a bðdy ðf knðwledge, 4) tð give an assistance by listening and explaining, 5) tð inspire by mðnitðring and cðunseling, 6) tð demðnstrate Dhamma practice by prðper behaviðrs and cðnducts, and 7) tð be friendly and kind tð practitiðners equally.
3. The guideline ðf Dhamma practice cðaching based ðn Kalyanamitta principles ðf Dhammakaya Temple is integratiðn between Dhamma practice and Kalyanamitta principles tðgether tð enhance Dhamma practice effectively by treating Dhamma practitiðners with kindness and cðmpassiðn, behaving ðneself apprðpriately, demðnstrating Dhamma practice, building inspiratiðn by sðlving prðblems based ðn a bðdy ðf knðwledge, suitable explaining, listening and cðunseling, encðuraging methðds ðf Dhamma practice, and prðmðting respðnsibility in practice under the supervisiðn ðf the trainers. The effectiveness ðf the Dhamma practice cðaching depends ðn respðnsibility and prðmðtiðn ðf the prðgram directðr and training masters.