This thesis the purpose to determine the factors that affect the faith in the performance scores of worshipers Watpitchayayatikaram Bangkok. Randomization by sampling. Worshipers who practice meditation at Watpitchayayatikaram Bangkok. During 1-5 December 2557 were 150. Statistical data analysis were percentage, mean and standard deviation. The statistics used for educational purposes, research, including statistical distributions of species that are independent of each other.
(T-dependent) and statistical analysis of covariance (Analysis of Covariance: ANOVA) If it appears significant to test the difference between the pair with the Scheffe (Scheffé) the study objectives were.
Faith in the performance scores were at a high level and found that meditation practice can be collapsed man is a rising movement of the rising and falling as well. The set while eating found that practitioners can accidentally catch a lift with open mouth tasted defined as any posture. And to have agreed to follow the same principles to the development of scores is threefold. Study to faith in the performance scores overall were worshipers with an average score of faith in the performance scores higher than a churchgoer, and found a significant difference significantly by the important statistical level. 05 of the study. Classified by age variable Occupation and found that faith in the performance of scores did not differ significantly between the statistical levels. 05.