This research “The study of development of exposition of Buddhist doctrines through Esarn phaya verse ” Aim of studying the Phaya verses in the context of the society of Northeast Thailand (Esarn) and to study the development of exposition of Buddhist doctrines through the Phaya verses of esarn. This is a documentary research based on analysis of documents and researches related to Buddhism and presenting the findings in a descriptive analysis.
From the study it was found that Phaya Esarn in the context of Northeast society scomprised of ancient Northeast verses, ancient proverbial verses, verses wooing teenage girls, blessing verses, aphoristic puzzle verses, epigrammatic verses and didactic verses referred as northeast philosophy.
Regarding the development of doctrinal exposition of Buddhism through Phaya Esarn it was found that the Phaya verses were focused on various aspects such as teaching about awareness development of one’s benefactors and teachers, verses teaching about conjugal love, mutual responsibility and sharing between the spouses, verses about individual responsibility, diligence, harmonious co-existence, associating with good people and avoiding ruffians and wicked people, verses about self-knowledge, self-realization, self-development, self-progressive attitude and education, verses about merit-making, keeping the precepts, mindfulness development, verses giving instruction not to forget oneself, and inter-dependence, verse about the instruction on knowing oneself, warning oneself, rectifying oneself, verses about the instruction, knowing education, verses about the instruction on knowing about making merit and donating and observing the precepts and practicing the dhamma, verses about the instruction on courting of the teenagers and verses about the instruction on knowing about the benefits of abstaining from condemning others, involving in gossiping and knowing oneself to be a good person, religious and tradition-bound respecting the arts and tradition and being a socially well accepted person.
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