This thesis is of three objectives, namely : - 1. To study the principles of propagating Theravãda Buddhism, 2. To study the deity and The Buddha’s method of teaching the deity in Theravãda Buddhism, 3. To analysis the Buddha’s method of teaching the deity and the influences in Thai society.
The results of the research can be concluded as follows : - In the principles of propagating Theravãda Buddhism, the Buddha propagated Buddhism with the principles of Ovãdapãtimokkha, namely : - 1. Not to do all evil 2. To do all goodness and to purify the mind. There are 3 ways of the Buddha’s propagating the Dhammas : 1. the teaching with the aims 2. The Buddha’s activities are of 5 types, such as, to answers to the questions asked of the deity in the midnight. 3. The Buddha’s and the disciples’ teaching methods is asking the questions. The Dhamma teachers’ qualities are Vijjãs and Caranas. The principles of teaching in Theravãda Buddhism are the teaching according to the point of Tisikkhã (The Threefold Training). The Buddha’s targets in propagating Buddhism are for the deity’ and the human beings’ happiness. The success in spreading Buddhism appeared in preaching the Dhammas in Mahãsamaya Sulta from which many deity and human beings attained the Dhammas. Finally, including their having the Dhammas and the Vinaya as the Buddha’s representatives in order to cause the Buddhist assemblies to protect Buddhism after the Buddha’s passing away.
The study about the deity and the Buddha’s methods of teaching the deity in Theravãda Buddhism are the facts that the deity are regarded as the world creatures of there kinds. They are set up in the Opapãtika Birth consisting of 2 sexes, namely : - Devaputta, the male deity and devadhitã, the female deity. They enjoy the divine properties in the heaven with the divine radiance and the divine sensual pleasure. The Buddha’s and the disciples’ methods of teaching the deity consist of the Doctrinal principles of teaching as appearing in Devatãsanyutta Sutta in which it is found that the Buddha went to preach the Dhammas to the deity and the human beings. The difference of methods of teaching the deity and humans are times, the nativity, the lifespan, the divine of deity and the way of making the beneficences. Lastly, the same points of methods of teaching the deity and humans are the habitation of deity, the causes to become the angels and the lord Buddha taught both deity and humans.
The study of the analysis of the method of teaching the deity consists of the analyzation of the success in teaching the deity in Devatasanyutta and other discourses. The realization of the Dhamma arose to the uncountable members of the human beings and the deity. For example, the success in his teaching was that He taught Phra Indra to attain the state of Sotãpanna, taught many deity s from the 10 elementary world who come to meet one another at the meeting to attain the Dhammas and The Buddha lived in the sixteen rural areas and preached the Dhammas to the deity and the human beings because of this fact, many deity and human beings attained the Poth, the Fruit and Nibbãna uncountable. The deity in Buddhism have been influenced to the Thai societies on the side of the literature, the tradition and other ceremonies was in existence according to the beliefs possessed by the people at that time.
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