The objectives of this study were: 1) to study the participation in the community to solve the drug problem at Drug Addict Rehabilitation Center of WatSrisongtham in UdonThani, 2) to compare the factors impacting people’s participation in the community, 3) to realize the problems, obstacles and suggestions of the participation in community to solve the drug problem at Drug Rehabilitation Center of WatSrisongtham, UdonThani. This study was a mixed methodology research, which contains both quantitative and qualitative data. The quantitative data gainedfrom a survey and questionnaire. Meanwhile,the qualitative data gained from an in-depth interview. There were 500populations this research. The researcher selected 217 people as a sample group at Drug Rehabilitation Center of WatSrisongtham, UdonThani. The instruments for collecting data were an interview, a journal, and a questionnaire. The data gained from the questionnaire was processed by a computer program and presented as a statistical description. The sample group’s participation was statistically analyzed by calculating the means ( ) and the standard deviation (S.D.) to find out the difference. The journal of this research was presented by a content analysis.
The Findings of this study as follow :
The sample group’s participation in solving the drug problem in this community reached a high level. Its means ( ) was 3.71 and the standard deviation (S.D.) was 0.40 statistically. From the analysis of whole factors, this research found that the populations’ participation in solving drug problem in the community in terms of assessment, support, and taking an actionwere highly acceptable. However, the sample group’s participation in terms of planning and getting benefit was at a medium level. In comparison, the sample group in different gender, age, role, relationship, education, and occupation had no difference in taking participation in solving the drug problem program but the populations in different incomes play a different role in taking participation at the statistic level of 0.05, in accordance with the hypothesis of the research. Interestingly, this research showed that the problems and obstacles of the sample group’s participation were: 1) most of the people had a low income, 2) most of them were seniors, 3) they lacked the information and understanding, 4) they did not realize the importance of the participation in solving the drug problem program because they thought that it was just a responsibility of the committee at Drug Addict Rehabilitation Center. Finally, there was no any support from the local administration in the area and lack of the information and communication.