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An Critical Study of Moral Value in Songtran Festival
Researcher : Phra Krusiriratananuvat Assist. Prof.,Dr. and Others date : 11/11/2013
Degree : พุทธศาสตรมหาบัณฑิต(การบริหารจัดการคณะสงฆ์)
Committee :
Graduate : 2553


        study of research on an Critical Study of  Moral Value in Songtran Festival,  its  object is the study of  history and development, activities, processes, belief and moral values of  Songkran Festival.  This research is defined its area and group people of 4 parts in Thailand, namely; middle part, eastern part, north part and south part. Its  method is the interview of   simple group people and the composition  of  interview  in each part of Thailand.
        The result of research is found that the middle part of Thailand defines the background  of this festival as the playing in the summer which is the finish of  farming and the beginning of next farming. Its origin was born in India. The activities of playing are Khayang, Sapa. Its process is making merit, the bath of Buddha, to give water to adult, the dedication of died men, miss songkran show. They believe that the world open all beings.  Its values is moral problems of 3 signs of zodiac, the source of national day of freedom for  fishes  and family day.   
        The Eastern part of Thailand defines the background of the festival as the Hitsibsong Klongsibsi or the 12 months of festival in Thailand. Its famous activities of playing are  Kongkop, Sapa Pheetakon, Khatoktek, Monsonpha, sand pagoda. In the morning, an actual practice is making merit, to give the freedom of fishes, the bath of monks and the Buddha Images.  In the Evening, peole do the parade of  flower tree around the main Buddha Hall in a temple near village. The people believe that the open world for men, demons. Its moral value is the conscience of bath for adults,  the making of sand pagoda, the helping of  Bodhi-tree and Pheetakhon including national fishing, family day and apologetic day.
       The North part of Thailand defines the background of the festival as Hitipsong Klongsipsi and record from India, Lao, Purma. Its activities of playing is the castle of flower or pagoda form, Pheetakhon show, make merit, to give the freedom of fishes,  to give the bath of monks and Buddha Image, to give the bath of adults, miss songkran show. They believe that the world of gods men and  demons open. Its source of moral value from 3 problems of 3 signs of zodiac, Pheetakhon, the bath of adults and require blessing from adults. 
      The South part of Thailand defines the background of festival as the meeting of  march sign and April sign of zodiac which is one of 12 signs of zodiac. Its activities  of playing are Manorah dance, to give water to the Buddha Image, to give water to monks, the parade of flower castle, honey parade, sand  pagoda, to give water to adults, miss songkran show. They believe that died kinsmen will get all things from dedication to them.   Its moral value is the cultural conscience as Thai folk wisdom.  

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