This research aims at studying the concept of the“Brahmacariya” as found in Theravāda Buddhism and its applications inThe modern context. It is found that the term “Brahmacariya” literallyMeans the “sublime” or “holy life”. It is none other than the ariyan path,Or ariyamagga. The term is explained by the commentators, drawingUpon canonical sources, from ten separate aspects, such as a difference inmental capacity and aptitude, societal background, culture, and education,and so on:
1. Dāna : charity
2. Veyyāvacca : rendering a service
3. Pañcasikkhāpada : observance of the five precepts
4. Appamaññā: practice of boundless states of mind
5. Methunavirati: celibacy
6. Sadārasantosa : contentment with one’s own wife
7. Viriya: effort
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